Sharing my top insights for the past month incl. top free tools for Test Engineers & Visual Testing

Top 10 free tools for Test Engineers. Why consider Visual Testing? What slows down a Proof Of Concept? Improving Selenium reliability. How to install Appium Inspector on Windows 10?

Abdallah Yashir
5 min readSep 7, 2022

Lately, I’ve been working more on the dev side of QA but still with dotnet and selenium.

I’m also focusing on building Proof Of Concepts (POC) for different types of projects namely Visual and Integration Tests.

Top 10 free tools for Test Engineers

To begin with, here’s a list of the top 10 free Tools for Automation Test Engineers according to my throughout experience on the subject:

Top 10 Free Tools for Automation Test Engineers: 1. [Fiddler Classic — Abdallah Yashir Ramsing on LinkedIn

Top 10 Free Tools for Automation Test Engineers: 1. [Fiddler Classic]( -> The ORIGINAL Web Debugging Proxy Tool to log HTTP(s…

LinkedInAbdallah Yashir Ramsing

I would also include TestCafe, which is a battery-included Testing Framework that works with minimal config.

Create reliable tests and increase your test coverage. No WebDriver required, no manual timeouts, cross-browser capable out of the box.

Here’s an example of the syntax:

fixture `Pizza Palace`
.page ``;

test('Submit a form', async t => {
await t
// automatically dismiss dialog boxes
.setNativeDialogHandler(() => true)

// drag the pizza size slider
.drag('.noUi-handle', 100, 0)

// select the toppings
.click('#step2 .next-step')

// fill the address form
.typeText('#phone-input', '+1-541-754-3001')
.click('#step3 .next-step')

// zoom into the iframe map
.switchToIframe('.restaurant-location iframe')
.click('button[title="Zoom in"]')

// submit the order

Playwright looks to be another strong candidate with outstanding built-in features such as:

  • being cross-browser, cross-platform and cross-language
  • you can also test mobile web
  • resilient — no flaky tests tests

You can read more on their official homepage.

Visual Testing

A quick video on why you should consider adding Visual Testing to — Abdallah Yashir Ramsing on LinkedIn

A quick video on why you should consider adding Visual Testing to further improve the Quality of your apps.#quality #testing #confidence #dev #qaautomation…

LinkedInAbdallah Yashir Ramsing

I extracted a few slides when I prepared my Powerpoint presentation for a demo in Visual Testing.

This document illustrates the benefits of having Visual Tests for your applications.

The biggest pro for me is that you don’t need to write a lot of codes to check for regressions whenever you deploy changes.

I’ve used Percy with dotnet as BrowserStack, the parent company, has recently added support for dotnet. Here’s an example of running it via command line. You can also integrate it via your CI tool such as GitHub or Azure DevOps.

Having fun running Visual Tests with PercyIO on dotnet:#testing # — Abdallah Yashir Ramsing on LinkedIn

Having fun running Visual Tests with PercyIO on dotnet:#testing #visualtesting #frontend #csharp #dotnet…

LinkedInAbdallah Yashir Ramsing

What slows down a Proof of Concept (POC) Project?

As a passionate software developer and problem solver, I’m often working on Proof Of Concepts that aim to solve an existing set of problems differently. This includes the ongoing Visual Testing projects. Nevertheless, I also have other tasks to work on. So knowing how to balance them is important.

In the post below, I share my thoughts on how to create POC projects faster by reducing and/or eliminating obstacles.

Abdallah Yashir Ramsing on LinkedIn: #programming #poc #coding

What slows down a Proof of Concept (POC) project?- trying to follow best practices such as Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)- premature optimisation such as…

LinkedInAbdallah Yashir Ramsing

A bonus one might even be to write everything in less files as possible to begin with.

You might want to write tests or not esp. if you want to follow a TDD approach. Nevertheless, writing them might be plenty of time and effort.

Waiting with Selenium

My experience using Selenium for Test Automation in projects that have highly dynamic contents such as lazy loading is a constant struggle. I’ve shared my tips and tricks I usually use to improve the overall test suite reliability.

Here I tried to determine if Selenium can know when all the network requests have been completed before attempting certain tests.

Abdallah Yashir Ramsing on LinkedIn: #dev #qa #programming

This is the number of tabs opened for me trying to get one simple thing right:Using Selenium 4, how to reliably know when all network requests are completed…

LinkedInAbdallah Yashir Ramsing

I believe there are better and modern test frameworks such as Playwright to deal with these use cases.

Installing Appium Inspector on Windows 10

Recently, Appium Inspector has been separated from the Appium Desktop tool in the latest versions. Since at the time of writing, there wasn’t any specific documentation, I’ve shared my method here.

Eventually, looking at the analytics, my blog post, still as of this date 24/08/2022, is the first link when you search the title verbatim.

My blog post on installing the new Appium Inspector is number one — Abdallah Yashir Ramsing on LinkedIn

My blog post on installing the new Appium Inspector is number one on Google Search.A must-read if you use #appium or want to use a free yet powerful mobile…

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Abdallah Yashir
Abdallah Yashir

Written by Abdallah Yashir

Senior Software Developer, Writer, Amateur Photographer, Reader

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