Don’t Even Think about Getting a maximum of sleep Without Reading This!

You Can Laugh at Sleepless Worries — If You Follow This Simple Plan — Imagine Sleeping Well in Just 30 Minutes

Abdallah Yashir
2 min readMay 23, 2022

Are you still struggling to sleep at night?

As a programmer and a parent of two, getting sufficient sleep every single day is a challenge. Here’s one neat trick that’s helped me:

  • sleep like a log at night
  • have plenty of energy throughout the day without sugar cravings and a constant feeling of hunger
  • be able to focus on difficult problems for hours while managing distractions
  • have time to spend with my family without feeling exhausted at the end of the day

The best part is I didn’t need to:

  • spend big bucks on supplements, doctors’ fees or the trending Blue Filter eyewear
  • drastically change my habits, all at one time
  • buy and consume lots of teas that help fall asleep
  • do a ton of exercises to force myself to sleep

The interesting part is I’ve added all these tricks and habits to my daily routine yet if I don’t do this one thing right, nothing else matters.

One little change in your habit can help you sleep better immediately and it is easy to do without having to make a huge sacrifice.

The one TINY change I did was simply not use my mobile phone for 1.5 hours before sleep.

A Trailer of the Future
Photo by Rahul Chakraborty / Unsplash

I soon realised that the blue light emitting from my phone and the constant overstimulation from my favourite Social Media Apps disrupt my sleep patterns to the point I get a mere 4 to 5 hours of sleep per day.

The Catch

If this change is easy to do though, everyone would be doing it. Yet, most people prefer entertaining themselves rather than getting better sleep every night.

Fortunately, though, it’s not that hard for you to make this change.

You need to decide and commit right now. If you don’t do it today, or in fact right now, you won’t probably do it.

If you think you’re going to struggle, I’ve put down a bonus list of the things that have helped me and other people on the Internet most.

It’s Now or never.


If you’re struggling to put your phone away before bed, you can try the following tips for immediate success without huge effort that’s guaranteed to work:

  • disable notifications on your favourite Social Media Apps or altogether
  • put your phone in another room (easiest and most recommended! You can buy an alarm clock.)
  • turn off WIFI / Mobile Data
  • put your phone on airplane mode
  • uninstall all social media applications
  • replace this time with reading a book (esp. on a boring topic, guaranteed to make you sleep)



Abdallah Yashir
Abdallah Yashir

Written by Abdallah Yashir

Senior Software Developer, Writer, Amateur Photographer, Reader

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